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              Essaouira in Arabic: الصويرة‎. In Berber: Tassort or Amegdul. In Portuguese: Mogador, is a city in the western Moroccan region of Merrakech-Safi, on the Atlantic coast. It is the coastal wind that has allowed Essaouira to retain its traditional culture and character. For most of the year, the wind blows so hard here that relaxing on the beach is impossible, meaning that the town is bypassed by the hordes of beach tourists who descend on other Atlantic Coast destinations in summer. Known as the "Wind City of Africa", it attracts plenty of windsurfers between April and November, but the majority of visitors come here in spring and autumn to wander through the spice-scented lanes and palm-lined avenues of the fortified medina, browse the many art galleries and boutiques, relax in some of the country's best hotels and watch fishing nets being mended and traditional boats being constructed in the hugely atmospheric port. During the Middle Ages, a Muslim s


          Fez or Fes in Arabic:  فاس , is a city in northern inland Morocco and the capital of the Fas-Meknas administrative region, it's the second largest city in Morocco after Casablanca, with a population of 1.7 million in 2020. Located to the northeast of Atlas Mountains, Fez is situated at the crossroad of the important cities of all regions, it's surrounded by the high grounds and the old city is penetrated by the River of Fez flowing from the west to the east. Fez was founded under the Idrisid rule during the 8th-9th centuries C.E, it consisted of two autonomous and competing settlements. The migration of 2000 Arab families in the early 9th century gave the nascent city its Arabic character, after the downfall of the Idrisid dynasty, several empires came and went until the 11th century when the Almoravid Sultan Yusuf Ibn Tachafin United the two settlements and rebuilt the city, which became today's Fes El Bali quarter. Under the Almoravid rule the city gained a


                  Chefchaouen. in Arabic :  شفشاون ‎, also known as Chaouen, is a city in northwest Morocco, it's the chief town of the the province of the same name and is noted for its buildings in shades of blue, Chefchaouen is situated just inland from Tangier and Tetouan. The city was founded in 1471 as a small fortress known as kasbah by Moulay Ali Ibn Rashid Al-Alami and Idris I and through them of the Islamic prophet Muhammed, Al-Alami founded the city to fight the Portuguese invasions of northern Morocco. Along with the Ghomara tribes of the region, many Moriscos and Jews settled here after the Spanish Reconquista in medieval times. In 1920 the Spanish seized Chaouen to form part of Spanish Morocco, Spanish troops imprisoned Abdel-Karim El-Khattabi in the kasbah from 1916 to 1917, after he talked with the German consul Dr Walter Zechlin. In September 1925, in the middle of the Rif War, a rogue squadron of American volunteer pilots, including veterans of World War I, bo


              The Moroccan Sahara includes Saguiet El Hamra to the north and Oued El Dahab "Rio DE Oro" to the south, the total land area of the Moroccan Sahara is 266 000 km square, crossed by the Tropic between the 20th and 30th parallel. It's bordered to the north by Massa Darâa to the east by Algeria to the south by Mauritania and to the west by the Atlantic, most of the reliefs are plains and some table lands which rarely reach 400 meters height. Generally, we can divide the Sahara into different zones: north-eastern part, from Al Atlas ranges to Zemmour hills, which is a rocky desert "Hmada" with steep mountains and hilly relief, water is rare except for some wells which makes life very difficult. The second zone or river zone is located between Oued Drâa to the north and Jat to the west, rivers tend to be depressions where water flows during the short rainy seasons "mainly in fall" this water evaporated because of the hot weather and never r